
Clean & Green Energy

What is the Greeneum Network?

The Greeneum Network is devoted to accelerating the worldwide transition to clean energy and sustainable technology using the unbeatable Blockchain and machine learning. Digital assets are connected to profitable green energy projects with innovative and innovative technologies that certify green energy and optimize yield.

Greeneum creates the world's most advanced network to drive the production, distribution and consumption of renewable and renewable energy including solar, wind, hydro and thermal power. The Greeneum Network uniquely measures the leverage and feeds on efficient and environmentally friendly behavior throughout the supply chain to benefit present and future generations.

Greeneum Global Energy Networks (Greeneum) is designed to take advantage of targeted Artificial Intelligence (AI), blockchain technology, IoT, and smart contracts. Our vision is to create and grow a decentralized and sustainable energy market that enables intelligent monetization of real-time peer-to-peer (P2P) energy and data transactions.

Why Greeneum?

Energy demand is growing rapidly around the world in response to changes in population, transportation and economic production. This surge in demand creates increased levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) pollution in the atmosphere and threatens our entire ecosystem. The World Bank report claims that air pollution causes health impacts and costs trillions of dollars each year.

Greeneum uses blockchain and unbeatable AI to provide proprietary solutions to optimize energy management for microgrids. The unbeatable AI algorithm provides precise prediction of energy demand which enables the microgrid operator to balance energy supply and demand. Meanwhile the energy network operates in an untrustworthy and distributed manner using blockchain technology to eradicate disparities, unequal distribution, supply-demand, and more energy sector problems in developing countries.

Blockchain-based smart contracts, coupled with energy and environmental data management systems are the latest solutions to accelerate the transition to a low-carbon global economy. The next generation of blockchain technology offers valid P2P intelligent interactions, smart contracts, IoT, intelligent machine learning, and artificial intelligence

** Greeneum Vision & Solutions


Vision: Greeneum envisions creating a smart and efficient GREEN energy market. Following its vision, Greeneum builds financial and technological assets that will facilitate the exchange of renewable energy values. In addition, it will support investment through traceable, safe and clear measures in renewables similar to the oil market.

Solution: Building on a unique multi-chain architecture, Greeneum provides a market-ready solution for the GREEN energy market. This platform consists of three parallel and interconnected systems. And this enables the Greeneum platform to manage global and local level data and energy and monetize it in the GREEN energy market.

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The platform consists of three parallel and connected systems

  • Greeneum Global Data System
  • The data system is global and operates on the Greeneum blockchain network. The system records validations on the blockchain. Validated data goes into AI processing to generate predictions and insights. If GREEN energy producers submit valid data to the system, they will receive a GREEN Certificate for clean energy production. A GREEN certificate can be used to convert to Greeneum tokens in the Greeneum Energy Trading System. Carbon Credits and GREEN Certificates will be validated, monetized and traded globally.
  • Greeneum Energy Trading System
  • Energy trading in the Greeneum system takes place on the power grid as well as the Greeneum blockchain network. Electrical data is sent through a validation process, where energies are profiled and reports. The system performs production and consumption calculations periodically on the grid and allows consumers to get to each other. GREEN energy producers are rewarded with GREEN certificates and Greeneum tokens. Consumers use Greeneum colored tokens (GREEN certificates) for energy consumption. They buy them from the producers and collect Greeneum Carbon Credits for their GREEN energy consumption.
  • Data and Energy Monetization
  • GREEN Token, a newly introduced cryptocurrency monetization energy transaction, based on the Greeneum Ethereum (ERC20) token, GREEN, the ERC20 utility token, will be used for energy monetization across the Greeneum Network. Utility tokens are tools to incentivize energy ecosystems towards more efficient, profitable and GREEN behavior.

Greeneum Token (GREEN): The Greeneum ERC20 utility token called GREEN is an Ethereum token that is used as a network token for various transactions on the Greeneum market. GREEN is used for the global monetization of the Greeneum Energy Trade and the Greeneum Global Data System.

Greeneum Ecosystem: The system of users, providers, consumers, investors and other entities that interact with the Greeneum Network.

Greeneum Energy Network: An energy grid is a system that makes effective use of energy by controlling a large number of energy supply and demand facilities of various types using communication networks.

Greeneum Foundation: A foundation to assist in the sustainable development and growth of the Greeneum Ecosystem, funded through the Greeneum token.

The Foundation uses the Green Fund to help companies, organizations, solar energy and green energy projects, and urban planners gain access to the funds needed to showcase their innovations.

Green Fund: Fund arranged by Greeneum to help various prosumers work on initiating and building new clean energy projects. The projects are funded through two different methods - group donations for social & environmental projects and group investments for private clean energy projects.

Greeneum Network: The Greeneum Blockchain Network connects consumers, producers, merchants, utility companies, investors and other stakeholders on a global platform. They can interact freely on a secure platform which helps in increasing and strengthening trust and transparency between all stakeholders. The network emphasizes transparency in the recording, distribution and use of green energy

Greeneum Certificate: Greeneum Certificate is a nonfungible token (NFT) issued using the Proof-of-Energy-Transaction algorithm after the energy generated is validated (amount type: GREEN or non-GREEN, etc.). They describe energy sources, quantities, and the Greeneum Carbon Credits as appropriate. In the energy trade flows, they are sold to consumers who are given carbon credits. In the data stream, they are given to producers and they can sell them freely in the global market. Certificates can be used to balance supply and demand and for grid energy management

GREEN token holders can purchase additional AI and energy management services, this process allows for a greater balance of supply and demand to optimize energy assets and power grids. Greeneum will develop interfaces for external AI providers to improve energy management and network efficiency
Token name GREEN
Total Supply 1 Billion

Greeneum is a distributed and decentralized platform containing various services for energy market stakeholders around the world. Greeneum leverages cutting-edge disruptive technology, including blockchain and machine learning, to create a reliable, comprehensive and potentially unmatched data and energy trading platform. Greeneum's technology is driving the energy market transition from a centralized, non-renewable approach to a distributed and sustainable model that will enable sustainable economic and technological growth.

About Greeneum

GREENEUM creates the world's most advanced network to drive the production, distribution and consumption of GREEN, renewable and sustainable energy including solar, wind, hydro and thermal power.

The GREENEUM Network uniquely measures, verifies and incentivizes efficient and environmentally friendly behavior throughout the supply chain to benefit present and future generations.


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