Divs Exchange
Divs Exchange Our vibrant and enthusiastic community has lots of questions to ask. For those who want to know about DivsExchange quickly, we are sure that our company will help you. We combine several centralized exchanges into one user-friendly interface and are quite easy to use for anyone, what makes us special is that we share the exchange fees with our users who stake our tokens. We created this company that will bring change to the industry by distributing most of the exchange fees back to users as weekly gifts. What is Divs.io? Divs.io is a new decentralized exchange that rewards its users with Tron tokens. 0.5% of all trading volume in Div is distributed to DIVS token holders in the form of TRON. The DIVS token is a cryptocurrency that will be launched in Q1 2021. If you are planning to trade on Div it is important to hold onto this new token once it is launched as it will give you weekly dividends on all volumes of the exchange. This makes a great source of passive income...