cryptocurrency that can be exchanged into gold or fiat
TROY is a cryptocurrency that can be exchanged into gold or fiat. TROY is supported by real gold, which is 20,000 ounces of gold supplied by Bullseye Mining Limited (Australia) which can be owned by users by purchasing it using TROY tokens.
But is that all that makes Troy special? not! Troy is more than that, Troy has a technology warehouse and will save Troy Gold Tokens & other cryptocurrency, storage for personal files and media.
But is that all that makes Troy special? not! Troy is more than that, Troy has a technology warehouse and will save Troy Gold Tokens & other cryptocurrency, storage for personal files and media.
The TROY Vault is the world’s leading cryptocurrency wallet in terms of security and ease of use. You don’t need to worry about your assets at TROY Vault, because TROY Vault is a safe and protected storage place.
Who is TROY for?
Who is TROY for?
Safe & Simple
Offering three key biometric security, customers can combine or use faces, retinas, thumbprints or passwords separately as the main access to their Vault.
Offering three key biometric security, customers can combine or use faces, retinas, thumbprints or passwords separately as the main access to their Vault.
Confidentiality & Privacy
Your private key is only stored on your cellphone, which means it cannot be accessed from outside sources or stolen from cloud-based storage.
Your private key is only stored on your cellphone, which means it cannot be accessed from outside sources or stolen from cloud-based storage.
Ether & Token Support Through the TROY connection to Ethereum Blockchain, users will be able to send any token or Ether to friends or family – quickly and easily, even if they don’t have an account or wallet!
TROY has three products
TROY Will Provide Three Real World Solutions For Crypto World Problems
TROY Vault – Features
Valuable assets are traditionally stored in physical space, guaranteed by highly sophisticated security systems, why are your Digital Assets different?
TROY is developing the safest multi-function cryptocurrency wallet in the world, while maintaining simplicity for inexperienced users through easy-to-use mobile and desktop cross platform applications.
Core Features
TROY Vault’s personal portfolio management system will provide:
ERC-223 TROY Smart Contract
When we are preparing for our Smart Contract, it takes us a long time to compare our options based on protection, compatibility and how easy it is for customers to use them. With this in mind, we decided to use the ERC-223 Protocol and this is the reason:
Enhanced Security
ERC-223 handles transactions explicitly. This protects token holders from intentionally sending tokens to smart contracts. So far, this problem has resulted in more than $ 600,000 being lost from various smart contracts. With ERC223 this problem in the past.
ERC-223 handles transactions explicitly. This protects token holders from intentionally sending tokens to smart contracts. So far, this problem has resulted in more than $ 600,000 being lost from various smart contracts. With ERC223 this problem in the past.
Low Cost
ERC-20 conducts transactions by sending tokens to smart contracts, and then forwarding tokens to recipients, this results in two transaction fees
ERC-223 sends transactions directly to recipients without the requirements of two transactions and thus costs 50% less.
ERC-20 conducts transactions by sending tokens to smart contracts, and then forwarding tokens to recipients, this results in two transaction fees
ERC-223 sends transactions directly to recipients without the requirements of two transactions and thus costs 50% less.
Blockchain Speed
Because ERC-223 only requires one transaction as opposed to two, this technically halves the transaction speed. As a result, bloated blockchain Ethereum is prevented
Because ERC-223 only requires one transaction as opposed to two, this technically halves the transaction speed. As a result, bloated blockchain Ethereum is prevented
Sales Progress
Sales Token Schedule
To get information about the TROY project to be clearer and more accurate, please visit or contact the link below:
Username: tsaniyaah
Ethereum address: 0x9b5Cc2A2bcf2102db16A3b5Bc01f0Fc8dEd4cC34
Ethereum address: 0x9b5Cc2A2bcf2102db16A3b5Bc01f0Fc8dEd4cC34
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