TROY cryptocurrency that can be exchanged into gold or fiat TROY is a cryptocurrency that can be exchanged into gold or fiat. TROY is supported by real gold, which is 20,000 ounces of gold supplied by Bullseye Mining Limited (Australia) which can be owned by users by purchasing it using TROY tokens. But is that all that makes Troy special? not! Troy is more than that, Troy has a technology warehouse and will save Troy Gold Tokens & other cryptocurrency, storage for personal files and media. The TROY Vault is the world’s leading cryptocurrency wallet in terms of security and ease of use. You don’t need to worry about your assets at TROY Vault, because TROY Vault is a safe and protected storage place. Who is TROY for? Crypto holders who might want an original outlet for their digital money through TROY items. People who want to tie access to their computerized resources in the most secure wallet of cryptographic money – The TROY Vault. I...