At present the progress of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency technology has become a big thing for all circles.
Having a crypto currency investment is a must for modern society. ICO was released to the wider community.
ICO project for your future, about ICO    MYCRO    .
MYCRO    is the main idea of ​​this project. This project is a mobile application that will manage various short-term jobs.
How Does Mycro Work? 
The most important Mycro difference is now. The application stores a very large database characteristics. In addition, this database is enriched with unlimited possibilities. And perfect partner. All events begin with the employer entering the database. Smart applications process your preferences and success. And the results are exactly what you want.
FireShot Capture 182 - MYCRO_ Dilemma - _ - https___steemit.com_partiko_@inder.png
How are payments made? 
After matching employers and employees, the Mycro application identifies each QR code. And the start of the work is marked on the blockchain. If employers and workers agree that payments are made with Vocational Schools, employers scan QR codes for workers and provide wages on smart contracts. Money is kept in custody during work. At the end of the employer, the employer reads the employee’s QR code again, takes over the smart contract money, and thus reaches the wage of the worker.
Projenin çalışma prensibi ve çıkış amacı çok basit değil mi? Ancak gündelik hayatımızın bu basit! işlerinin zamanımızın ne kadar çoğunu elinde tuttuğunu düşünürseniz, projenin ne denli önemli bir işlevi üstlendiğini daha iyi kavrarsınız.
Why does Mycro and Blockchain work? 
FireShot Capture 168 - Mycro I Simply complete the job - https ___ www.mycrojobs.io_.png
FireShot Capture 169 - Mycro I Simply complete the job - https ___ www.mycrojobs.io_.png
The success of Mycro is based on intuitive use. The needs of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs must be fulfilled quickly and simply. This happens by matching the right job. Only in this way can you create a business model where both parties are satisfied. Good work for employers. Fun and profitable work is provided for workers.
  •     Mycro, blockchain teknolojisinden faydalanarak oluşturduğu akıllı algoritmalar sayesinde doğru işi, doğru çalışana çok hızlı şekilde eşleştirme yeteneğine sahip. İşler işveren tarafından mycro uygulamasına ücretsiz olarak ilan edilir. İşçiler de bu işlere her zaman ulaşabilir.
  •     Blockchian teknolojisinin en önemli avantajlarından biri; block zincirine eklenen akıllı sözleşmelerdir ki projede merkezi olmayan derecelendirme ve doğrulama sistemleri ile güven sorunu çözülmüş, taraflar ciddi risk taşımadan bir araya gelebilecektir.
  •     Mycro projesinin en can alıcı noktalarından birini tekrarlamak istiyorum.İşin yapımı sırasında ödenecek ücret, akıllı bir sözleşme tarafından emanette tutulacaktır. Bu paraya ne işverenin ne işçinin erişim hakkı yoktur. Emanet sözleşmesi ancak iş başarıldığında ücretin erişimini sağlayacaktır. Bu durumda 2 taraf ta mağduriyet yaşamaz. Çünkü işçi iş bitince ücretinin onu beklediğini bilir. İşveren de iş bitmeden ödediği paranın emanette saklandığının rahatlığındadır.
  •     Düşük komisyon ücretleri sağlamak için Mycro Job ileride tamamen merkezi olmayan uygulamaya yönelece ve dApp uygulaması geliştirecektir. Aracının ortadan kalkması işçiden kesilen %30 gibi oranın işçiyde kalmasını sağlar ki bu da ücretlerin %30 artmasına eş değerdir. Çalışanlar dApp dan yararlanmak için sadece %2 ödeyeceklerdir.
FireShot Capture 167 - Mycro I Simply complete the job - https ___ www.mycrojobs.io_.png
       MYCRO ICO’SU ; MYO, Nasıl kullanılacak?
  1.  İş Alışverişi: İşverenin ekranındaki kontrol panelinde daha iyi bir pozisyon elde etmek için token kullanabilirsiniz. Bu, aynı zamanda işin ücretini belirleyebilmenizi sağlayan bir arayüze ulaşmanızı sağlar.
  2.  Ödüllendirme: Akıllı iş sözleşmesiyle kontrol edilenmycro uygulamasında başarılı işler tokenle ödüllendirilecektir.
  3.  İşlerinizi öderken de MYO tokenları kullanmanız önerilir. Bu sizin güvenli şekilde bir emanet iş sözleşmesine sahip olmanızı da sağlayacaktır.
How does Mycro help you find work?
Mycro depends on special sorting functions. Both employees and service providers can show their preferences and values. Thanks to Mandiri Smart Learning Algorithm, who will sort the available job offers, taking into account the pre-selected preferences, work history and rankings generated from this. The employer finds all job offers that are sorted separately in the Mobile Application. All of this is based on the user manual or surface, which is comparable to a network such as Tinder. The employer must do it

Project Features

Because the main features of this project are availability, openness and ease of use, Blockchain technology is an indispensable advantage. On that basis all the principles of further interaction of the participants of this platform will be built. Smart contracts and smart algorithms will help control this relationship. Contract provisions will be considered successful only when both parties are satisfied with fulfilling their obligations. Also within the MYCRO framework there will be a ranking of participants so employers have the opportunity to assess potential potential workers.
The principle of this interaction in a decentralized network will maximize the reliability and reputation of the future of all participants, while directly connecting with the specialists you need.
However, you will agree that often, people who can do your work away from you, but you don’t even suspect their existence, because both of them use the wrong tools for communication and interaction. With MYCRO this problem will be solved. Because workers and all necessary information about them will soon be available to you when filling out your application form, which will positively affect the total search time.

ICO details

If we talk about means of interaction within the MYCRO framework, internal tokens – MYO will be available to participants. Thanks to that you will be able to accept not only a kind of bonus for the work done, but also return it when doing some tasks. The total founding team intends to release 100 million tokens. Everything will be developed based on the blockchain Ethereum (ERC-20). The total number of tokens will be divided into two parts, according to personal and public sales behavior. You can buy this token via ETH.2018-12-10_20-19-54.png


At the end of my review, I want to record very interesting project concepts and ideas. I believe that for many people it will be very interesting, because in reality you will be able to directly have the opportunity to communicate with people who can be assigned to do this or that work. What does not apply to third party third parties at the time of payment and at the time of confirmation of operation. This platform is really made in the simplest interface, so really anyone, different technical training, can work with it.
If we talk about the project in more detail, I still suggest that you study MYCRO in more detail. To do this, at the end of the article I will attach all the necessary links, thank you you will receive all the official information needed about this project.

Token & Distribution Details

Token Name:    MYO
Type: Utility Platform     :    Ethereum  Price:    1 MYO = 0.25 EUR  Receive:    ETH, BTC, LTC, Close Soft    Fiat    :    1,500,000 EUR  Hard Cover:    14,000,000 EUR  Country:    Germany KYC:    YES

Visit, Official Information:

ANN THREAD:   https: // 
TWITTER:   https : // 

Link tsaniyaah :;u=2579389


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